Fellow IAATI Members,
It is an honor to have been elected your IAATI President for 2023/2024.
For those who do not know me, I am Nathan McGanty. I am a Lieutenant with the Chesapeake (VA) Police Department and am the evening shift Command Duty Officer. I am married to my wonderful wife of 16 years, Jessica, and we have two daughters and one son. I am also a Past President of SEIAATI and 1st Vice President of IAMI.
I have been a part of IAATI since 2011, when I attended my first international training conference in Atlantic City when Chris McDonold was President. Since this time, I have attended either, sometimes both, an International or SEIAATI conference.
Over the years, I have gained vast knowledge and new skills from IAATI. I became an IAATI Vehicle Crimes Specialist and made countless contacts and lifelong friends.
My hope for all of you is to do the same. Do not make this a once-a-year thing. Become engaged, broaden your reach and resources, and leave your comfort zone. The end rewards are well worth it.
Over the next year, I hope to move IAATI forward on multiple fronts while maintaining the high level of training we already offer. We will be introducing an IAATI APP with a new website. It will allow members to stay engaged and find resources at their fingertips throughout the year. I want to introduce a Vehicle Crimes Rebranding while maintaining the IAATI name and logo and start a membership drive with benefits for our current members.
I am always available to you and can be reached via email at nmcganty@iaati.org.
Again, thanks for allowing me to serve you and this great organization for the next year.
Nathan McGanty
President 2023-2024