2024 Australasian Conference - Photos

Below is a selection of photographs from the 2024 Australasian Vehicle Crime Conference held at The RACV City Club, Melbourne on July 31 and August 1st, 2024.

The Registration Desk staff by Branch Board Members Kent Lineham (L) and Ian Gunthorpe (R)
The Registration Desk staff by Branch Board Members Kent Lineham (L) and Ian Gunthorpe (R)


A list of the Conference sponsors


A partial view of the room and the 98 attendees


Warren Stevenson, Australasian Branch President, welcoming delegates Day 1
Warren Stevenson, Australasian Branch President, welcoming delegates Day 1


Day 1


Keynote speaker, Iain McKinlay, from Scotland presenting on Day 1.
Keynote speaker, Iain McKinlay, from Scotland presenting on Day 1.


International IAATI President, Nathan McGanty
International IAATI President, Nathan McGanty


Iain McKinlay
Iain McKinlay


Australasian Branch Board Member, Max Squire (Key Forensic)
Australasian Branch Board Member, Max Squire (Key Forensic)


Australasian Brance Vice President, Dan Burke (Adjustercorp)
Australasian Brance Vice President, Dan Burke (Adjustercorp)


DSC Nicholas Scott, New South Wales Police, Motor Unit.
DSC Nicholas Scott, New South Wales Police, Motor Unit.


Australasian Branch Board member, Janeen Cole (IAG)
Australasian Branch Board member, Janeen Cole (IAG)


Probir Dutt
Probir Dutt



Probir Dutt
Probir Dutt


Sarah Carroll, Fraud Data Intelligence Analyst at IAG
Sarah Carroll, Fraud Data Intelligence Analyst at IAG


Ligeti Partners Panel: (L-R) Paul Singam, Shaun Ryan, Virginia Waters and Warren Stevenson
Ligeti Partners Panel: (L-R) Paul Singam, Shaun Ryan, Virginia Waters and Warren Stevenson


Australasian Branch Board members Helen Shaw (L) and Janeen Cole announcing the award winners.
Australasian Branch Board members Helen Shaw (L) and Janeen Cole announcing the award winners


DSC Nicholas Scott, from Strike Force Duncan, New South Wales Police, Motor Unit, accepting the 2024 Investigation of the Year Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty.
DSC Nicholas Scott, from Strike Force Duncan, New South Wales Police, Motor Unit, accepting the 2024 Investigation of the Year Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty.


Sarah Carroll, Fraud Data Intelligence Analyst at IAG, receiving the 2024 Forensic and Supporting Services Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty.
Sarah Carroll, Fraud Data Intelligence Analyst at IAG, receiving the 2024 Forensic and Supporting Services Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty.


Corey Nichols, Auto & General Insurance receiving his 2024 Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty
Corey Nichols, Auto & General Insurance receiving his 2024 Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year Award from IAATI President, Nathan McGanty


Marie Azar accepting the 2024 Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year Award from International IAATI President Nathan McGanty, on behalf of the Operation Herring Team at IAG.
Marie Azar accepting the 2024 Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year Award from International IAATI President Nathan McGanty, on behalf of the Operation Herring Team at IAG.


2024_25 Australasian Branch Board: L-R Paul Thomas (Past President - International and Australasian), Anne Harris, Ian Gunthorpe, Greg Martin, Janeen Cole, Kent Lineham, Helen Shaw, Warren Stevenson (Branch President), Sarah McGrath, Callum McNeill. Missing board members from the photo are Daniel Burke (Vice President), Frank Colborne (Vice President), Michael Gatt, Ryan Lennon and Cindy Salmon.
2024-25 Australasian Branch Board: L-R Paul Thomas (Past International and Australasian President), Anne Harris, Ian Gunthorpe, Greg Martin, Janeen Cole, Kent Lineham, Helen Shaw, Warren Stevenson (Branch President), Sarah McGrath, Callum McNeill. Missing board members from the photo are Daniel Burke (Vice President), Frank Colborne (Vice President), Michael Gatt, Ryan Lennon and Cindy Salmon.


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Delegates at the President's Networking Reception


Day 2 Keynote Speaker, Iain McKinlay
Day 2 Keynote Speaker, Iain McKinlay


Ian Christensen, iMOVE Australia
Ian Christensen, iMOVE Australia


Ian Christensen, iMOVE Australia
Ian Christensen, iMOVE Australia


Warren Stevenson, Australasian Branch President, and Ian Christensen, IMOVE Australia
Warren Stevenson, Australasian Branch President, and Ian Christensen, IMOVE Australia


Murray Chapman, PropertyVault
Murray Chapman, PropertyVault


Australasian Branch Board Member Helen Shaw (Auto & General)
Australasian Branch Board Member Helen Shaw (Auto & General) 


Australasian Branch Board Member Helen Shaw (Auto & General)
Australasian Branch Board Member Helen Shaw (Auto & General) 


Ben LeMere, Berla
Ben LeMere, Berla


Ben LeMere, Berla
Ben LeMere, Berla


Ben LeMere, Berla
Ben LeMere, Berla


Det. Insp. Callum McNeill, New Zealand Police
Det. Insp. Callum McNeill, New Zealand Police


Det. Insp. Callum McNeill, New Zealand Police
Det. Insp. Callum McNeill, New Zealand Police


Jeff Douglas, Leonardo
Jeff Douglas, Leonardo


Jeff Douglas, Leonardo
Jeff Douglas, Leonardo


Jacqui McGrath, Insurance Australia Group
Jacqui McGrath, Insurance Australia Group


Jacqui McGrath, Insurance Australia Group
Jacqui McGrath, Insurance Australia Group


Michael Adam, Uber Carshare
Michael Adam, Uber Carshare


Michael Adam, Uber Carshare
Michael Adam, Uber Carshare


Det. Sgt Jarrod Turner, Victoria Police
Det. Sgt Jarrod Turner, Victoria Police


Det. Sgt Jarrod Turner, Victoria Police
Det. Sgt Jarrod Turner, Victoria Police