Get Involved

IAATI is a not-for-profit Association that relies on the support of it volunteer members.  There are many ways you can get more involved including:


1. Become a member

The first, and most important step is to sign up as a member of IAATI.  This ensures you will receive all our emails, notifications and access to our member only content.   Membership of the Australasian Branch also includes membership of the Association globally.   For more details about how to apply for membership, please visit:  


2. Become a sponsor

IAATI values our industry and corporate partners and we provide a range of sponsorship packages catering from sole operators through to large multi national organisations.   Without their support we would not be able to deliver the high quality training events and keep our prices as low as possible.  Each year the Branch releases a sponsorship brochure outlining the main packages, however, if these packages don't suit, we can discuss tailoring a sponsorship package that meets your company;s specific needs and budget.  See for a copy of the latest Sponsorship Opportunities brochure.


3. Join the Australasian Branch Board

The Australasian Branch is managed by a Board, comprising:

  • A President
  • Vice Presidents (up to 3 positions)
  • Committee members (up to 12 positions)  

Board appointments are for one-year terms.  All positions are declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting, at which time the composition of the incoming board is determined.  Nominations for the Australasian Board are encouraged from any current members, and may be submitted at any time of the year, up to 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.    The Branch President welcomes inquiries, at any time of the year, from interested members who wish to join the board, and may appoint additional board members at any time if vacancies exist.

Members can download the latest Australasian Branch Board Nomination form and with copies of our Branch Constitution from:

As a Australasian Branch member you are also entitled to nominate for the International IAATI Board.  The closing date for nominations for the International Board normally close on 1st May each year.  There are various positions available on the International Board but first-time International Board members are normally considered for appointment as an Associate Director and then may work their way up to higher level positions. 

Serving on either the Australasian and/or International IAATI Board is very rewarding and a great way to rapidly expand your professional networks. 


4. Volunteer to be a speaker at a conference or webinar

We are always on the lookout for new speakers for our conferences and webinars.  If you would like to be considered for such an opportunity please send your details and a short description of what you would like to cover in your presentation, to the Branch President 


5. Volunteer to assist with the planning and running of our annual conference

Organising and hosting a conference involves a wide range of  tasks including:

  • Identifying a suitable venue and selecting the conference dates
  • Identifying conference themes and potential speakers
  • liaising with potential speakers
  • Liaising with potential sponsors
  • Liaising with venue / catering and audio-visual staff
  • Sourcing delegate and speaker bags/gifts
  • Preparing and distributing marketing materials
  • Managing registrations and printing name badges
  • On-site tasks such as: packing delegate bags, staffing registration desk, setting up and taking down banners
  • Developing and administering post-conference surveys

If you would like to assist with any of these tasks, then please contact the Branch President, as we always welcome any assistance with our training events.


6. Submit content to our publications

Our monthly online publications (ABP and Vehicle Crimes Today) are always seeking member content. If you have an interesting case studies you wish to highlight, or have some thoughts about some interesting trends you have observed,  photos or video, details of helpful website or tools you have come across, questions or employment opportunities please email them to:


7. Submit content to our website

Have you come across any interesting news items or photographs/videos, or training resources that may be of interest to fellow IAATI members?  If so, please send the details to our Branch President or to IAATI's International Executive Director,


8. Contribute to any of our Communities (forums) on the IAATI app.

Do you have a question, a job vacancy, an interesting case study, a product review, or an observation that you wish to share with other IAATI members?  Then consider posting on one of the forums on the IAATI app. 

The IAATI app gives you a new way to engage, network, and receive important information about your memberships, events, and more. Get the most out of your events and maximize your membership benefits with an all-in-one engagement app.

Key Community Engagement Features:

  • Direct messaging
  • Group chats & event rooms
  • Digital business cards
  • Personal CRM for all connections you make
  • Contact Profile

Key Event Features:

  • Fast event registration and payment processing
  • Easy check-in with QR codes
  • Quick access to all event information, including agendas, venues, speaker bios, session presentations, and ticketing
  • Preview and register for upcoming events that match your interests
  • Social media integration for easy sharing

Key Membership Features:

  • Direct access to organization newsletters, announcements, and upcoming events
  • Mobile membership directories so you can expand your network
  • Member profile and membership renewal management
  • Virtual membership cards to leverage all your membership benefits

The new IAATI app can be downloaded  by searching IAATI in either Apple's App Store or Google's Play Store.

Apple App Store   Google Play Store


9. Nominating for one of our Branch or International Awards

We all lead busy work lives and manage multiple tasks.  But how ften do we stop and recognise the great work we or our colleagues are doing.   This is the purpose of the IAATI Awards Program - it is a chance your your, your team or colleagues to be recognised by their peers for outstanding work.  The Australasian Branch runs an annual awards program comprising 5 categories:

  • Investigation of the Year  (involving either fully or jointly Law enforcement)
  • Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year
  • Forensic and Supporting Services Award
  • President's Award
  • Member of the Year.

Details about the criteria for each of these awards, how to apply, and a list of past winners can be found at  Nominations can be submitted to the Branch President at any time, but nominations for a particularl year will geenrally close 4-6 weeks prior to the Annual Australasian Branch Conference.  Award winners will be announced during the annual Australasian Conference. 

In addition to the Australasian Awards, IAATI has a series of  Awards presented by the International Board and covers all IAATI Branch and Chapters.  Australasian Members are encourage to also nominate for these awards. The closing date for the International's Award nominations is usually 1st May each year.  For more details about the International Awrds please visit: 


10. Keep your contact details up-to-date

One of the biggest problems we face as an organization is losing contact with our members when they change jobs or change contact details.  Many members use their work email as their contact address for IAATI communications but then fail to update their member profile when they change employers.  As such they fail to receive emails about IAATI and their membership may lapse. Please remember to regularly log into your account on the IAATI website and check your contact details in your member profile.  (Note: All the 'Member Only' content is only visible once you have logged into your IAATI account on the website)

If you find you can no longer log into your account or your email address and changed and you are unable to change it, please contact the Branch President who will help you regain your access.


11. Promoting IAATI to your industry colleagues.

Finally, don't forgot to talk to your colleagues, new staff or contacts you interaact with during your work about IAATI and encourage them to join and attend our training events.