Catherine Horton, Queensland Police

Catherine Horton 2019 AB Travel Scholarship winner, receiving her awards from Award Sponsor and Australasian Branch President, Mark Pollard (F.I.R.E.S)

Catherine Horton 2019 AB Travel Scholarship winner, receiving her awards from Award Sponsor and Australasian Branch President, Mark Pollard (F.I.R.E.S)

2019 Travel Scholarship

Sponsored by Fire Investigation Risk and Enquiry Services Pty Ltd


The 2019 recipient of the Branch’s Annual Travel scholarship was Det. Sgt. Catherine Horton, from Queensland Police Service.  

Cathy has numerous years’ experience investigating vehicle crime related matters with the Queensland Police Service. Within this time she has become the subject matter expert providing training and guidance to local police  and interstate police

She has attended international Seminars in 2015, 2016 and 2018 and has attended all Australasian Branch Seminar since 2015, including giving prsesntations at Australasian Seminars. Cathy was heavily involved in the planning and organisation of this 2018 Australasian Branch Seminar including:

  • Liaising with various Caterpillar contacts in the USA, Melbourne and Brisbane
  • Coordinating all arrangements for all the activities on day 3 of the 2018 seminar including the site visits to Caterpillar’s distribution centre and to Hastings Deering facilities, the transportation and all catering during the day.
  • Facilitated the inclusion of the two Queensland Police speakers for the 2018 seminar

Cathy has actively promoted the seminar throughout the Queensland Police Service and to various organisations in Queensland.

During here time on the Australasian Branch Committee she has demonstrated the persistence and perseverance that is frequently needed to get various tasks done.   In 2018 she was also elected as an Associate Director on the International Board of IAATI

Cathy will be using the $3,000 Travel Scholarship to attend the 2019 International IAATI Seminar in Glasgow.